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Welcome to Heavenly Thoughts, the Web Site of First Baptist Church, Elmore City, OK
Born: November 21, 1961; Tulsa, Oklahoma
Saved: Central Baptist Church, Owasso, OK, 1983
Education: High School: Owasso 1980
College: Northeastern State University
Tahlequah, OK 1980-1981
Seminary: Southwestern Baptist Theological
Shawnee, OK 1992-1994
Bachelor of Arts: Louisiana Baptist University
Shreveport, LA 1994-1995
Master of Arts: Louisiana Baptist University
Shreveport, LA 1995-1996
PhD: Louisiana Baptist University
Shreveport, LA 1998
Comment: As a pastor, I am fully
committed both to the Lord and His Church in fulfilling the great
commission. My ministry is dedicated to leading a local church to
realize its full potential in the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe it
is my responsibility to equip, encourage, and edify the body of Christ.
I emphasize the importance of pastoral care through visitation, couseling,
preaching, teaching, and personal evangelism.
Associate Pastor & Youth Minister:
Bobby Allison Family: Teri Allison, wife
9 year old son, Aaron
6 year olddaughter, Molli
Born: August 19, 1966; Cleburne, Texas
Education: East Central University, Teacher Education
Southeastern Oklahoma State University, H.P.E.R.
C.L.E.E.T. Academy
Licensed to Ministry: May 8, 1996
Ordained to Ministry: November 15, 1998
My Ministry Statement: I believe that there is only one God and that He is full of grace and mercy. He sent His only son to be our sacrifice for sin. He was disgraced for my transgressions, beaten for my inequities and then slaughtered on a cross. They thought they had killed him but, on the third day He arose. He ascended to heaven, leaving us a very special gift in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our guide, counselor, teacher, comforter and the third part of the trinity. I believe that I am saved and have everlasting life through the name of Jesus Christ and asking Him to forgive me of my sins and to come into my heart and be my Savior. I have found that whatever questions I have or trials I face, the answers are all found in the Word of God (Bible). I truly believe what the Bible teaches us in II Timothy 3:16-17, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profiable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
Music Director: Ronnie Turner
Family: Sandy Turner, wife
2 sons, Parker & Trevor